Saturday, December 09, 2006

Mary in a Martha World

Last Saturday, I had rehearsal with another flautist from church. I thought we were rehearsing a duet for Christmas Eve, but at the end of practice I found out we were rehearsing for the next day’s morning service! We had another rehearsal at 7:15 Sunday morning and then performed the prelude for both services. As soon as the prelude for the second service was over, we bolted for the door to go to Rock Hill to see Scott’s family including Aunt Janet and Uncle Philip, who were in town for the weekend.

Monday night, I went to the annual cookie exchange party hosted by one of my church members. Although my sister and I bake enough of a variety of cookies between Thanksgiving and Christmas to share with each other, I still like going to this annual event to share laughter and fellowship more so than the cookies.

Then on Tuesday, Scott and I left work early to take Danielle to dance class. Usually her daycare provides the transportation to dance, but this Tuesday was the open house class, when parents are invited to a practice. We loved watching our adorable ballerina.

Thursday, I received a call at 11:00 AM from one of my sister’s co-workers to meet her at the ER. Lana had become woozy and nauseous at work, and was unable to communicate with a caller on the phone. When I arrived she was much better, and the staff had ruled out a heart attack and stroke. Although her CT scan was normal, the doctor on staff still thinks she had a mild TIA (trans-ischemic attack). She was prescribed aspirin and is to follow-up with her doctor to check her carotid artery.

Friday, I accompanied Aden on a school field trip to see a ballet performance of Jack Frost especially designed for children. As was explained to the children beforehand, most ballets are wordless, but for this performance the dancers pantomimed to the edited soundtrack of the Rankin/Bass holiday special by the same name. (Recently shown on ABC Family channel.) I love Rankin/Bass specials and I think one of the best things of having kids of my own is watching these specials all over again without feeling guilty that I haven’t outgrown them. Aden was enthralled with the show (good thing since Scott and I have a love for live performing arts). When they announced The Columbia City Ballet Company would be performing The Nutcracker, Aden got excited and wanted us to take him. (Good boy.) I called Scott at work and asked him to book tickets for the matinee performance for Saturday.

We had the kids’ picture taken with Santa Friday after work. We skipped the Santa at the mall thing last year because things got too busy (imagine that!). This year I’m on top of it. Christmas shopping is done for our immediate household. The family newsletter is almost done and will be going out soon. Danielle’s Christmas dress is smocked and just needs to be assembled and Aden’s vest is cut and waits only to be assembled as well. (More on the dress construction in a later blog entry.) By gosh, I wasn’t going to miss going to the mall and seeing Santa this year. It was the smoothest experience seeing Santa I’ve had. The line wasn’t that long and moved very quickly. I was pleasantly surprised.

(The dress Danielle is wearing in the picture was given to her; however, Danielle tells people I made it.)

Today, I went to my women’s Prayer & Share meeting. Aden and Danielle’s “fairy” godmother hosts a prayer meeting periodically (at least once a quarter). Sometimes I can’t go because I occasionally work overtime on Saturdays, but I try to make the December event since we have Christmas ornament exchange. We reflected on the Mary and Martha biblical story and discussed how we usually wind up being Marthas trying to make everything perfect for the holidays, when we should be quiet, reflective, and listening to Jesus in our hearts like Mary this time of the year. I think I’ve found a good balance between being a Martha and a Mary this year. The traditions and things that have been most important to me in the past have gotten done (smocking a dress, seeing Santa, cookie exchange, newsletter, and Prayer & Share). The things that are not as important (such as having an absolutely spotless house and yard) have not.

We took the children to see The Nutcracker. Danielle was enthralled with the dancers. In a loud whisper I heard her say, “Wow! How is she doing that!” This is the first full-length performance that the kids have been to. We weren’t sure how this would go, so we bought cheap seats in the upper balcony. Overall, they behaved well. We need a little more practice about theater etiquette, but that will come with time. In February there will be a ballet of Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are. It should be lots of fun. We’ve promised the kids we’ll take them. At the end of this afternoon’s performance, the dancers walked around the lobby to greet the patrons. Danielle got to feel pointe shoes (much different than her slippers) and felt what makes the tutus stand up (wire hoops). She talked to one of the dancers who encouraged her if she continued to take ballet, she could dance on her toes too one day.


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