Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Dead Presidents

Forgive me while I brag about my boy. I find both my children are exceptional and I’m not just saying this because I’m their mother.

Earlier in the month Aden surprised us on the way home from daycare by reciting the first 20 Presidents of the United States. My jaw dropped. He’s only 4-1/2 years old! We knew he had learned who George Washington and John Adams were, but the first 20 Presidents in order. Wow! Apparently, his class has been learning them a few at a time for weeks - probably in preparation for Presidents’ Day. He can now recite them all the way to Calvin Coolidge before he needs help. I have to admit that Scott and I have to look at a cheat sheet when he starts to recite. Sorry, memorizing dead Presidents is just not a skill I took with me past the fourth grade. [The picture is a recent "craft" that came home from daycare.]

Our Montessori daycare also teaches Spanish and sign language for ages 3 and up. Aden loves to show us new signs he’s learned, so I’ve been looking around for basic American Sign Language books (not for babies) for us to have at home.

It is amazing to me how much earlier kids learn things than when I was growing up.


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