Tuesday, January 24, 2006

1-2-3 Go!

We'll it's finally begun, Scott has given up on me playing games with him, so has now turned to our son. Last week he taught Aden how to play Go. They started on a 4x4 board to introduce the basic concepts of placing stones, freedoms, and capturing. Instead of saying "atari", Aden kept saying "tarry", so Scott suggested he say "attack" instead.

Once the basics were down, they progressed to a 9x9 board with a 4-stone start for Aden. Perhaps the 9x9 board was too big. Aden was winning the first game, but about halfway through started getting rambunctious and accidentally knocked the pieces off the board. Aden still wanted to play. He required a little more coaching the second time about bad placements (it was getting past his bedtime) but saw the game through and won 28 to 11. They have since played a few more games on a 7x7 board, with only a one stone lead for Aden.

Aden is not the only one playing games these days. Danielle got a Dora the Explorer Uno game for Christmas from Uncle Hunter and Aunt Lori. She can’t hold five cards in her hand at one time, so lays them face up in front of her when she plays. Sorry, don’t have a pic of that one yet.


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